THB Asset Management
THB Asset Management (THB) is a boutique investment advisor specialising in US Micro Cap and Small Cap equity strategies. It has 37years’ experience investing in these sectors and currently manages approximately $1.7 billion on behalf of corporations, state and municipal retirement systems, endowments and foundation in the US. The THB Micro Cap Strategy is specialist strategy that seeks to uncover and capitalise on smaller, growing companies that offer significant return potential. Investing in micro-cap stocks presents significant alpha opportunities. Research coverage is typically limited, creating an information void and a resulting inefficiency. By exploiting this inefficiency, THB is able to discover companies that are traditionally neglected from researchers and investors with above average growth potential and attractive valuations.
The approach is bottom-up in nature and attempts to identify securities where the market has undervalued the potential of the company with regards to operating structure and profitability, failed to recognise the inherent value on a cost replacement basis and/or overlooked the resulting synergies available with respect to potential acquisition.
Brookvine has been engaged to advise THB on the Australian and New Zealand investment markets and manage the marketing and client servicing of its Micro Cap strategy.